Case Studies

Empowering Diverse Industries with Marketing Intelligence.

At OKNO Investments, our commitment to excellence extends across a wide spectrum of industries, ranging from logistics and software to healthcare, engineering, non-profit, and beyond. Through our dedicated divisions, we cater to the unique needs and challenges of each sector, leveraging our expertise in marketing intelligence to drive tangible results for our diverse clientele.

Across all industries, OKNO Investments has earned a reputation for delivering exceptional marketing intelligence services that yield measurable outcomes. By understanding the unique dynamics of each sector and staying ahead of emerging trends, we consistently drive success for our valued clients, propelling them towards sustained growth and prosperity.

OpenBots: A Journey from Startup to Global Innovator

OpenBots has rapidly transformed from a fledgling startup to a globally recognized brand, now serving a diverse range of clients across various industries.

Out team's B2B marketing strategy was meticulously crafted to not only highlight the intricate details of intelligent automation but also to support a robust lead generation campaign. 

This approach has catapulted OpenBots from obscurity into the spotlight, showcasing their commitment to driving innovation in automation technology.

Read on the news: OpenBots Announces a surge in Global Customers

Go-Freight – Miami, FL & Greensboro, NC

Go-Freight, a leading logistics company, aimed to enhance its online presence and increase visibility in a competitive market and drive inbound leads. With numerous logistics services available, Go-Freight sought to ensure that its website appeared prominently on the first page of Google search results to attract potential customers.

Through diligent SEO efforts and a strategic digital marketing approach, Go-Freight successfully secured prominent placements for its website on the first page of Google search results for key logistics-related queries.

This increased visibility not only improved brand awareness but also drove a significant influx of organic inbound leads to the website. As a result, Go-Freight experienced heightened customer engagement, expanded market reach, and strengthened its position as a trusted logistics partner.

Through meticulous redesign of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), we’ve optimized accessibility to our services, ensuring seamless navigation and enhanced user satisfaction. Concurrently, a targeted Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaign was initiated, resulting in an impressive 25% increase in revenue within the initial months. This strategic approach not only enhances customer engagement but also drives substantial business growth.

In just two weeks, under our team's strategic guidance, Thrive Functional Wellness witnessed a remarkable transformation in its online presence. By implementing a holistic approach, our team addressed key challenges faced by the company during the challenging COVID-19 period of 2020. This approach not only bolstered the website’s loading speed but also significantly enhanced its SEO ranking.

Amidst the pandemic, our team spearheaded an initiative to maximize the company’s online channels with original and engaging content, thereby expanding online services and facilitating online appointments. The results were profound, with the company keeping their glowing 5-star reviews on Google and receiving a steady number of online appointments.

The optimized SEO strategies led to a substantial increase in organic traffic, paving the way for Thrive Functional Wellness to amplify its message of holistic medicine to a broader audience. Through our expertise and dedication, Thrive Functional Wellness has positioned itself as a leading entity in the healthcare domain, poised for continued growth and success.

Community Foundation - Puerto Rico

The Community Foundation of Puerto Rico sought to enhance their non-profit efforts through effective online strategies. Their previous approaches yielded limited success, with online donations amounting to less than $1,000 in previous years. They needed a comprehensive marketing strategy to amplify their impact and drive substantial revenue growth.

Our team at OKNO Investments embarked on a transformative journey to revitalize the Community Foundation's online presence. We began by conducting a thorough assessment of their existing digital framework, identifying areas for improvement. 

With a focus on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) enhancements, we crafted a tailored marketing strategy designed to resonate with their target audience.

The impact of our efforts was profound, with the Community Foundation experiencing a remarkable transformation in online donations. In the first year of implementation, our collaborative initiatives generated over $5 million in donations, marking a significant milestone in their journey towards philanthropic success. 

This exponential growth not only exceeded expectations but also underscored the effectiveness of our marketing strategy in driving tangible results.

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